Palm Coast Neighborhoods
- Belle Terre
- Cypress Knoll
- Indian Trails
- Lehigh Woods
- Matanzas Woods
- Palm Harbor
- Pine Grove
- Pine Lakes
- Quail Hollow
- Seminole Woods
- Woodlands
Gated Communities
- Fairchild Oaks
- Flagler Beach Polo Club
- Forrest Park Estates
- Grand Haven
- Halifax Plantation
- Hammock Beach
- Hammock Dunes
- Island Estates
- Ocean Hammock
- Palm Coast Plantation
- Plantation Bay
- Sea Colony
- Sugar Mill Plantation
- The Crossings
- The Sanctuary
- Tidelands
- Toscana
- Wild Oaks
Tips for Finding the Perfect Neighborhood
1. Make a list of all of the amenities that are close by in the neighborhood you are considering as your new residence. Keep in mind what distances and routes to each of these places are acceptable and what are not.
2. Determine what the best features of the neighborhoods are. This is especially helpful if you are deciding between a few different neighborhoods.
Are there parks nearby?
Is it scenic and visually appealing?
Are there quiet areas, streets, cul de sacs?
Are the people friendly in the neighborhood?
Is the neighborhood clean? Yards, streets, parks?
Are there nice trees and foliage?
Do the lots have large or small yards?
Are there walkways and are they easily accessible?
Is it a safe neighborhood?
What are the market values of the homes in the area?
Are there many houses for sale?
How long ago was the community developed?
What is the average age of the people in the area?
Are there families with small children in the area?
What is the proximity to schools?
Are there community events or organizations?
3. Walk around in the neighborhood. The best way to determine the cleanliness and friendliness of the neighborhood is to walk around in it and meet its residents.